Case Studies

Legal Translations

Child safety and placement matter involving abduction over borders between local authority and foreign national respondents, involving translations into French of:
  • Correspondence
  • Court orders
  • Social services reports
  • School reports
  • Medical reports
  • Police interviews
  • Statements
  • DNA test results
  • Court judgment

Approx 180,000 words in total. This assignment took 3 translators approx 6 weeks working full time.

Personal injury case involving a young Italian woman operated on in UK hospital, involving:
  • Translations of correspondence
  • Translations of affidavits from claimant and family
  • Translations of medical reports
  • Translation of Occupational Therapist report
  • Supply of interpreter in the UK for medical appointments
  • Supply of interpreter in Italy to assist occupational therapist


Patent & Trade Mark Translations

Translations produced on a daily basis for a range of individual patent attorneys, patent companies and IP departments of large firms into and from a variety of languages, predominantly German, French, Italian, Chinese and Japanese, of:
  • Patent specifications, including description, claims, abstract
  • Opposition documents, including:
  • Pleadings
  • Appeals
  • Decisions
  • Preliminary reports on patentability
  • Examination reports
  • Patent correspondence and notifications
  • Trade mark registrations, trade mark opposition documents
Ongoing work in a trade mark opposition case involving translation of:
  • Trade mark rules and council directives
  • Extracts from published decisions
  • Correspondence to and from OHIM
  • Witness statements
  • Depositions


Website/Online Translations

Online betting website into French, Spanish, Italian, German and Simplified Chinese, involving:
  • Responsible Gambling
  • Privacy
  • Account Management
  • Technical Help
  • Site Navigation
  • Betting Rules
  • Sports Rules
  • Betting Glossary
  • FAQs
Website for a Consultancy Service offering advice re investment in Switzerland for high-worth individuals, including:
  • Private Banking
  • Asset Management
  • Company and trust formation
  • Art Banking
  • Global Insurance
  • Residency
  • Real Estate Purchase
  • Swiss Technology Products
  • Luxury Supplies
  • Aviation
Translations of Access database (including coding) for an online employee assessment system into French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian, involving:
  • Verbal reasoning questions
  • Numerical reasoning questions
  • Core data
  • Resource material
  • Test instructions
Website for a company designing products for the Healthcare Industry, into French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, Dutch and Arabic , including:
  • Company information
  • Product descriptions
  • Technical specifications
  • Contact details


Technical Translations

Ongoing translations and dtp for a manufacturer of dispensing and dosing equipment into French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, including:
  • Sales brochures
  • Sales flyers
  • Technical manuals
  • Quickstart information sheets
  • Website text
  • Video text
Installation, operating and maintenance documentation for a manufacturer of large-scale pumps to the oil and gas industry into Spanish and Portuguese:
  • Instruction manuals
  • Data sheets
  • Handling, storage and preservation procedures
  • Spares lists
  • OEM operating instructions
Technical manuals for a supplier to a major car manufacturer into Spanish and Portuguese for both Europe and Latin America:
  • Component overview
  • Build specification
  • Handling and site installation
  • Maintenance information and schedule
  • Dismantle and disposal
  • Recommended spares
  • EC Declaration of Conformity
  • Essential Health And Safety Requirements
Technical manuals for a manufacturer of navigational aids into/from French, Spanish, German, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean:
  • Operating instructions
  • Quick start guides
  • Technical guidelines
  • Warranties
  • AIS Technical & Operational Requirements
  • User manuals


Health & Safety Translations

Health & Safety translations for a national building company into Albanian, Bulgarian, Croat, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Turkish, including:
  • Safety and Environmental Induction course for site workers – production of foreign-language versions in full-colour, laminated and bound.
  • Health & Safety posters
  • RIDDOR & COSHH poster (designed and translated, printed and laminated)
  • Site-safety induction sheets


Tourism & Leisure Translations

Tourism guides into Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish for a major caravan and camping organisation, including:
  • Website content
  • Leaflets for individual sites
  • General marketing materials


Training & Educational Translations

Translation of training course and development centre materials for local training provider, to be used overseas, into Czech, Bulgarian, Dutch, Finnish, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian and Swedish, including:
  • Case study and background materials – newspaper articles, technical specifications, sales figures
  • Group and written exercises
  • Role plays
Course materials into French for MA in Tourism from local university in collaboration with French polytechnic, covering:
  • Evolution of Tourism and Leisure Patterns
  • Consumption and Tourism in a Globalised World
  • Tourism and Leisure – Current and Future Implications
Type of documents translated:
  • Information on topics in modular format
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Interactive web-based tasks



Public service interpreting for criminal, civil, immigration and personal injury cases in a wide range of languages, predominantly Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu, Mirpuri, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Thai, Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, Somali, for:
  • Court hearings
  • Prison visits
  • Hospital visits
  • Medical appointments
  • Police interviews
  • Conferences with barristers, solicitors
  • Video-link and telephone interpreting to witnesses, plaintiffs and defendants
Conference and business interpreting for commercial companies, charities, and local authorities for:
  • Commercial presentations & negotiations
  • One-to-one meetings
  • Assistance at overseas exhibitions
Provision of two French/English interpreters at a 3-day global conference for an international charity relating to the fight again AIDS, HIV, TB & Malaria